Escalade IQ Door Handles - Why No Flush-Mounted Design?

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I’m really curious why the 2025 Cadillac Escalade IQ didn’t go for those slick flush-mounted door handles like the Lyriq. GM claims they don’t boost aerodynamics or anything, but I feel like there’s more to it. I mean, come on,who doesn’t love a little extra style? What do you guys think about the Escalade IQ’s design choices?
Good point! I’m also curious about the decision not to use flush-mounted door handles on the Escalade IQ. Those handles on the Lyriq definitely look slick! I get that GM says it doesn't help with aerodynamics, but it feels like they missed an opportunity to add some extra style.

Maybe they wanted to keep that classic Escalade vibe or make it easier for everyone to use. Still, I think a bit of flair would’ve been nice! What do you think? Does the design affect how you feel about the Escalade IQ?
IMO the 2025 Cadillac Escalade IQ skips the flush-mounted door handles to keep things stylish yet practical, plus, it makes manufacturing a bit easier! Sure, those sleek handles might help with aerodynamics, but the Escalade’s got that rugged luxury vibe that really puts function and user-friendliness first.
Honestly, I’m kind of okay with the traditional handles on the Escalade IQ. Flush handles look cool, but they can be a pain in winter. Ever try dealing with frozen flush handles on a frosty morning? Not fun. I guess GM might’ve gone for something easier to use daily, but yeah, a bit more sleekness wouldn’t hurt.